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Up, Up, and Away: Advice from a First-Time Flier!

Mikayla Boyd

By: Mikayla Boyd, Asst. Layout Director

Spring break season is upon us and many students are looking forward to getting away from snowy Buffalo. For many people, taking a trip means going to the airport and hopping on a plane – something that I had never done prior to “The Griffin’s” recent trip to California.

Though I couldn’t imagine a better group of people to experience my first flight with, I still had some first-time jitters. In my opinion, the best way to combat that nervousness is to be prepared, organized, and informed, that way there are as few hiccups as possible. In light of my recent experiences, allow me to share some tips to make your future travels easy and fun!

One of the things that helped ease anxiety was packing efficiently. I have become a huge carry-on advocate in the carry-on versus checked-bag debate. Even if your trip is a decent three to four days, I promise you can do it! It’s very relieving to have your bag with you during the flight so there is no possibility of the airline losing an otherwise checked bag or possibly mishandling your belongings. Another reason that carry ons are great is that you don’t have to worry about hopefully finding and waiting at the baggage claim – you just get to deboard and explore your destination! The only stress-inducing aspect of carry-ons is making sure you follow TSA’s 3:1:1 rule, so I’d recommend double checking that your liquids (and things like gels and creams) are in compliance. If you really want to be a pro, make sure that your liquids bag is easily accessible before going through TSA.

Another tip for traveling is to remember the Jell-O. No, really– the Jell-O theory of turbulence compares your plane in the sky to an object in Jell-O. When you shake the Jell-O, the object suspended in it shakes, but it doesn’t just fall out. Thus, just because the plane is shaky, it does not mean that you are in any danger of crashing. This is quite helpful when those bumpy plane rides get you overthinking and worrying. When in doubt, think of Jell-O. 

My last piece of advice for you first-time fliers is to think optimistically and treat yourself. Whenever you encounter a hiccup in your travel plans (and you inevitably will) just remember to breathe before you panic and remember that it will all work out. You will get through security, get to your gate, and board that plane. Once you board, the hard part is over! During your flight, there are so many things you can do to fill your flying time with fun: watch movies, take a nap, listen to music, look at the beautiful sky, chit chat with friends (if they’re accompanying you) and so much more. Your flight is what you make of it, so buy your favorite snacks, wear your favorite comfy fit, and watch your favorite TV show or movie. No matter where you’re off to this spring break, I hope that you use this advice to have safe and fun travels! 


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