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Timeless Love

Kira Rodriguez

Kira Rodriguez

Day after day, I watched her carriage pass by, quickly stopping before my cousin

who stood only a few feet away. The young maiden, her blond hair tied up into a bun with

pearls intertwined, sat waiting in the window. Her cheeks, rosy with life and elegance, never failed to bring a smile to my face. She opened her door and greeted my cousin with the smile of an angel. I watched patiently, just as the horses did, waiting for my cousin to finish courting the woman I wished to be with. Why had I allowed my cousin to court her? I never thought he’d steal her heart, rather fall victim to his cockiness. It was a simple wager, one I thought he’d lose. Now I, the true fool, watch as he escorts my love in for tea. They laughed and smiled, leaving me to wish I was in his place.

The morning began like every other morning. Her carriage would pass, and she and my

cousin would talk and laugh as I watched a few feet away. Today was different. Through the carriage window sat another young maiden. She wasn’t much younger than the other. She looked similar to her as well. Her long red hair was braided with white flowers, resting delicately upon her head. Her vibrant blue eyes could lull a baby to sleep. I couldn’t help but smile at her beauty. As my cousin and the maiden I believed I loved had left, I reached my hand to aid the young maiden who was still waiting in her carriage.

“Thank you, kind sir,” she said, her voice angelic and sweet.

“No need to thank me, my dear.”

I escorted her to the gardens for tea where my cousin and the maiden waited. With each sip of tea, the heavenly maiden sent an enchanting smile my way. Our eyes locked and from that moment, I knew I’d one day call her my wife and the mother of my son.

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