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The Griffin Editorial: An ode to Canisius family and families

The Griffin

In celebration of the upcoming Griff Weekend — an inaugural combination of family and alumni weekend — here at Canisius University, The Griffin would like to take a moment to appreciate family in all its forms. Our families are our biggest supporters; they are the ones who teach us how to talk and may teach us how to walk, but they definitely, and most importantly, teach us how to love. They were the ones who held our hands for our first steps and waved us goodbye as we stepped into the halls of Old Main for the first time. Our families have shaped us into the students we are today and they aid us in becoming the leaders we will be tomorrow. 

Evolutionarily, humans depended on their families for survival. In truth, not much has changed. We have shifted from a biological dependence on our families to a social dependence. Even occasions that seem insignificant, like calling our parents to rant about exam grades or our busy week, continuously prove that they are a crucial support beam in the structure of our lives. Our days are enriched by our families, no matter their composition. 

Lest we forget, family does not need to be biological. Family can be chosen; a family is merely a group of people who support each other, feel connected with each other, and love each other. Here at The Griffin, we truly consider ourselves a family — albeit a sometimes chaotic and occasionally silly one — a family nonetheless. Moreover, all of us students and alumni make up a special Golden Griffin family; Canisius is our common thread and our values are the needles sewing our bonds between us, despite our differences. 

The Griffin urges readers to take a moment to appreciate their family and all the sacrifices our loved ones have made for us. Moments are fleeting — there is a reason for the cliché “the days are long and the years are short.” It is important to appreciate moments before they turn into memories – especially when it comes to your family’s elders. One day we will go on to be the matriarchs and patriarchs of our own families, and there are no better people to turn to than your own for inspiration on how to lead your future family. 

For me, my nana and my mother are the kind of matriarchs I aspire to be one day. I constantly value the time I spend with them and the insight they continue to give me. Being grateful for your own family’s wisdom and advice they’ve bestowed on you is one of the best ways to become a better person. 

This weekend, whether you are a visiting alumnus reminiscing on college days or a freshman still finding your way on your new campus, take a moment to appreciate the ones who made you you, and who continue to provide you with opportunities and memories you will cherish forever. We are nothing if not a combination of the people we love, and family are the people we love the most. 

The Griffin wishes you and yours a very happy Griff Weekend. 



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