By: Briana Wasil
Remind me of the good times and what I still have
Sometimes amid the chaos my mind sweeps in with the bad
I want to remember the sunny days where light swept through the trees
That even when the sun was too bright I still laid there for its warmth-
Without a constant fear of getting sunburnt
Remind me of the places I lived out of and how they were homes named by me
Because not every home is a house
And not everybody has one home
Remind me about the beauty of experiences
How enlightening they can be
And although it hurts to be let down
That even though you’re forced to resign
It shaped a part of your life and will open up doors filled with possibilities —
Just… give it some time
Remind me that titles are just a name and it’s the character you become
Not everything is about winning
You don’t have to be someone else to be welcomed
Nor keep reverting back to your beginning
Remind me of the memories I’ve created and witnessed with people
The love between a dog and human as they play on an open field as the sun is rising
The bond between friends as they quickly become equals
Silent laughter that’s so strong you end up crying
Two people holding hands along a view that’s peaceful
Please remind me of the beauty of life because I can sometimes forget
All the memories we carry with us
So remind me…
That I am the conductor of my own happiness