On behalf of The Griffin newspaper, I would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 academic year, as well as to our paper. We look forward to another year of exciting publications that inform and entertain our fellow Griffs through five sections – news, features, opinion, creative corner and sports – run by our talented staff of 20 students who go above and beyond each week to get this very newspaper into your hands. I’d also like to thank that staff for re-electing me to keep my position as Editor-in-Chief for a second year. It’s an honor to serve this school, but specifically my staff, whose trust and support makes this all possible.
We would also like to thank Dan Higgins for the time he committed to being an outstanding and impactful advisor to us and our paper over the years. He inspires us daily to advocate for ourselves and for the truth and we will continue to reciprocate the support he’s given to us unwaveringly. With that, we are honored to welcome Bruce Andriacht as the faculty advisor of The Griffin this year, and would like to thank him for his eagerness, his compassion, and the skill and wisdom he’s willing to impart.
As I embark on this new year and my second term, I’d like to remind our community what The Griffin and all college newspapers stand for: the freedom of the press. We have “both the right and the responsibility to report news of student interest both on and off campus, to editorialize on matters of student concern and to provide a forum for the free expression of opinion and exchange of ideas in the college community,” according to The Griffin’s constitution and practices for the past nine decades. And as a publication, we are unable to pursue our constitutional “commitment to serving the campus community in the act of journalism and fair reporting” without your support.
Just by reading these words alone you’re doing that. By reading these words you’re acknowledging the hours of work per week and per student that goes into this paper. By reading these words you’re expressing your care and concern for your community. By reading these words you are supporting our right to communicate and express ourselves freely, and in turn, your own.
The Griffin is a platform to publish the thoughts and ideas of Canisius students just like you. So, as a beginning-of-the-year – my senior year to be exact – favor, I ask that you continue to read these words; beyond that, form opinions on these words, and voice those opinions, or better yet, write them.
And remember, from the wise words of Dan Higgins, “student journalism is journalism,” and that’s something worth supporting. Happy fall semester and happy reading!
Ava C. Green, Editor-in-Chief