By: Julian Reynoso, Assistant Creative Corner Editor
With 100 days left here at Canisius, each day seems to get shorter and shorter as my time left here only gets progressively less.
Just like many other seniors, I’ll probably get all sappy talking about how I’m going to miss being here, walking through the quad as the seasons change, waking up before any normal person on registration day to try and log into my account and sign up for classes before the site crashes from everyone registering; but that would be a little tired, just like I was each morning of registration.
Instead, I’ll try to explain what makes Canisius matter to me. It’s the little moments that make this place so special; walking down the halls and never having a day where I don’t wave to at least one person I know here on campus is one of the highlights of my time here. It reminds me just how connected you can get here at Canisius if you give it a chance.
I came here expecting to just go to class and maybe participate in one or two clubs, but that’s not exactly what happened. Instead, I gave Canisius a shot, and it showed me what there is to love here: a community unlike any other.
It’s no surprise that Canisius has had its ups and downs just like any other place. No matter what happens here, whether we lose one of our most historical and important buildings or send yet another academic program out to pasture, I will always see the students roaming the halls or walking in the quad touting the tried-but-true Canisius mantra, “It’s a great day to be a Griff!” And they’ll always remind me what it really means.
As the days go by and my journey here comes to a close, I can really only sum up my experience here with one sentence:
It’s always a great day when you’re a Griff.